Marcin Sobieszczanski (laboratory SIC.Lab Méditerranée) is Senior Lecturer in Communication Sciences at the University Côte d’Azur. Graduate at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences in Paris (mathematical models applicable to the humanities, dir. Jean Petitot), a PhD in Paris 8 (image technologies and cognitive approach of the image, dir. Edmond Couchot) and a habilitation to conduct research in Dijon (immersive environments, tut. Pascal Lardellier), he has taught at several academic centres, Angers, Rouen, Montreal, Paris, Warsaw and Torun. He performed numerous research stays in Nijmegen (Netherlands), in Wroughton Science Museum Library & Archives (UK) and California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology in San Diego (US). His current research is structured around the interdisciplinary issues: Design of Environmental Media, Immersive Environments, Technological and Narrative Evolution of Cinema, Genetic and Epigenetic Aspects of Aesthetic Behaviours.