Cognitive scientist in the field of communication, art and culture.
Marcin Sobieszczanski, Senior Lecturer,
director of the master ICCD

June 09, 2016
The conference at INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, in the framework of the joint team workshop Biovision team and GraphDeco
The thesis defense of Eléonor Bak at the Research Centre on the sound space and the urban environment (CRESSON) at the National School of Architecture of Grenoble (ENSAG). Jury Marcin Sobieszczanski, UNS. Catherine GROUT, National School of Architecture and Landscape of Lille University Lille Nord de France, Annie Luciani, laboratory ICA - ACROE INP Grenoble, Gregory Chelkoff, CRESSON laboratory.
April 22, 2016
Co-organization with Savo Zunjic, the study day organized at Unicorn Theatre in Cannes, research center Creation and Mediation (CREAMED) of I3M laboratory, UNS
June 08, 2015
The study days organized at The University of Nice - Sophia-Antipolis by the University Departement LASH, the LAPCOS, the CTEL and the LIRCES.
April 01, 2015
The conference at the House of Human Sciences and Society (MSHS Southeast) in Nice, in the framework of the joint workshop of Axis 1 (Cognition and Cooperation) and Axis 2 (ICT uses and Communities)