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Current research topics

Genetic and Epigenetic Aspects of Aesthetic Behaviors

Evolution of Cinematographic Apparatus

Immersifs Communicating Environments

Design of Environmental Media

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Participation in the research project "Leverage Virtual Reality Experience for Low Vision People"Ceci est votre premier élément

Research partners from UCA (alphabetic order)

B. Cessac, UCA Inria, Biovision team [visual neuroscience]

T. Collard, UCA Ecole Supérieure de Réalisation Audiovisuelle [technical skills for film production: framing, editing, shooting]

J. Gaertner, UCA Campus de Cannes [story telling]

A. Jacquemin, UCA Sustainable Design School [technical skills for ergonomics]

P. Kornprobst, UCA Inria, Biovision team [image processing, virtual reality, visual neuroscience]

Research partners outside UCA (alphabetic order)

E. Castet, Aix-Marseille Université - CNRS, Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive [low vision]

E. Sernagor, University of Newcastle, Institute of Neuroscience, UK [cellular neurophysiology, retinal neurobiology]

F. Solari and M. Chessa, University of Genova, DIBRIS, Italy [image processing, virtual reality]

Socio-economical partners

Hôpital de la Timone (AP-HM) Service d'ophtalmologie, Centre Basse Vision, Marseille, involving the following ophtalmologists: Dr L. Hoffart (chef de service), Dr F. Chouraqui (chef du centre Basse Vision), Dr F. Matonti (PU-PH).

Institut national de l'audiovisuel (Ina): Mireille Maurice [database of images, archive]

Start-up SERVEL: Romain Trachel and Antonin Servouse [virtual reality, responsive story telling]

Immersive Naturalized Environments into research and research / creation in HSS

October-December 2015, French coordination of the consortium and conception of the project within the framework of the Call for Franco-Quebec projects in the humanities and social sciences, edition 2016, bilateral agreement ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche)  and FRQSC (The Research Fund of Quebec - Society and Culture).

Consortium :

The Cyberpsychology Lab of UQO (Ottawa)

Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organizations (CIRANO, Montréal)

Hexagram International network dedicated to research-creation in media arts, design, technology and digital culture

Laboratoire Hexagram UQAM, Centre de recherche en arts médiatiques de l'Université du Québec à Montréal

Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société Sud-Est (MSHS S-E), Nice

Groupe de Recherche en Management (GRM), Nice, Toulon

Prospective studies of communicating immersive environments as spaces for sharing of multi-sensory contents. Immersive Experience Media. ImmEx

December 2015 - March 2016, French coordination of the consortium and project design within the framework of the Call for Franco-German projects in social sciences and humanities, edition 2016, bilateral agreement ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) and DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).

Consortium :

Institut für immersive Medien at Kiel (Allemagne)

Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société Sud-Est (MSHS S-E), Nice

Groupe de Recherche en Management (GRM), Nice, Toulon

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Université Nice Sophia Antipolis

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